Log 11: So what's next for Trifoil

So the "prototype phase" of development is done! Very happy with how it turned out. Gotten heaps of feedback and people say they really enjoy it.  Which is great! I've now turned my attention to start fleshing out the game, from an list of puzzles into a more feature rich indie puzzle/exploration title.  So I've started implementing the exploration areas.  Exploration opens up possibilities for really interesting meta puzzles and other stuff I don't want to spoil... Trifoil would still work as a list of puzzles, I think the prototype proves that, but I want to do more. I also need to be careful not to blow our the scope too much. I'm a solo dev after all.

Anyway here is rough start at the first exploration area's background:

I've increased the color so the background is a bit more visible in the video, its much more subtle in the game. I really like the parallax effect it adds allot more depth to the scene and hopefully conveys a feeling of mystery and wonder.  What do you think?

I'll keep it short this week as I want to get back to it. Thanks for reading.

-- Andrew

Trifoil is an underdevelopment puzzle/exploration game which takes influence for The Witness and Knot Theory. It's due to be released late 2021 on itch.io and steam. In the mean time enjoy playing the prototype and follow Trifoil development as I take it from a prototype to a full featured Indie game by following me on itch.io or twitter.

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